Covid-19 Health Notice
My team and I want to ensure you that your health is our highest priority. We have trained and educated our team regarding COVID-19 and have enhanced some of our office protocols to ensure the highest level of safety and health.
As part of our normal daily operations, we continue to observe the following safeguards against the spread of disease. These are the standards that we have abided by from the day we opened our doors to ensure that our office is one of the safest places to be:
- Before you enter the examining room, all surfaces, such as the dental chair, dental light, drawer handles and countertops, have been cleaned and disinfected thoroughly with medical grade disinfectants that kill 99.9% of all harmful bacteria and viruses.
- Disposable protective coverings on equipment are disposed of and replaced after each patient visit.
- Non-disposable items such as dental tools and instruments are cleaned and sterilized between patients using hospital grade sterilization equipment. Our sterilization equipment is monitored and tested on a regular basis.
- Disposable dental tools and needles are always disposed of and never reused.
- All team members involved in patient care use appropriate protective equipment such as gloves, masks, gowns and eyewear when needed. After each patient, disposable gloves and masks are thrown away. Before seeing the next patient, everyone on the treatment team disinfects their hands and puts on a new pair of gloves and mask. This is called PPE or “Personal Protective Equipment” and this protects both the patient and the treatment team.
- We frequently clean and disinfect the lobby area and reception counter multiple times throughout the day, and are even more diligent today.
- Any team member that has any symptoms of a cold or flu are not permitted on the premises and are advised to stay at home for the safety of our patients and other team members.
- We have implemented a “No Handshaking Policy” and have put up signs throughout the office to reflect this.
- We will be performing ongoing employee health screening, ensuring our team members are healthy when treating you.
- All patients will rinse with an antimicrobial mouthrinse at every patient visit.
- We have installed HEPA air purifiers and filtration systems throughout the entire office.
- Hand sanitizer is offered at our front desk and in every treatment room
- If you would like a mask, please ask someone at the front desk, and you will be given a mask to wear in the waiting room for your safety. You will not need the mask when you are being treated as your doctor and treatment team will be wearing their PPE which includes them wearing masks which will protect you.
On top of this, we want you to feel more comfortable and are increasing our investment in your health and well-being by offering the following safeguards:

What we require from our patients:
- If you are sick, running a fever, coughing or not feeling well, please reschedule your appointment and do not enter the office. We are happy to reschedule your appointment and we thank you for considering the health of others.
- If you are healthy and you come for your regular appointment, please use a tissue when coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose, throw the tissue away, and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water afterwards. Using hand sanitizer of 60% alcohol concentration is also acceptable for washing hands. We offer hand sanitizer at the front desk and in every operatory.
We are here to serve our patients, and our highest priority is to keep our community safe and healthy. We can assure you that our office is one of the safest places to be during this time, and having the proper dental treatment is one way to make your body healthier.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at (408) 558-9444 or email us at
Warm regards,
Dr. Ho and Team